Jasmine Parasram
Design Superwoman/Pricing Queen
For the last 15 years, Jaz has been serving Michelin-star designs on a gold platter, solving her clients’ problems and helping them grow their businesses. She’s the graphic designer, muralist, lettering-artist, website genius, and all-round business guru who’s helped hundreds of clients achieve their business goals. While she’s still a design superwoman to her clients, Jaz is now sharing her wisdom with her fellow freelancers with another title: Your Pricing Queen.
For the last 4 years, Jaz has been mentoring her freelance students in all things pricing, giving them the tools they need to confidently calculate and charge what they’re worth, create a never-ending list of clients who happily pay up, and, ultimately, never go hungry again.

Career & Background
What inspired you to do what you are doing now?
Pricing is one of the hardest things a freelancer has to do on a daily basis. You need to be brave enough to claim your worth, courageous enough to choose what dollar figure represents that and strong enough take the feedback that comes with it. I struggled just like so many other freelancers do today, but I now am just a few steps ahead enough to throw my hand back and show them how to do it, using what I have learned and sharing what I now know.
Could you tell us a bit about your professional background and where you are headed in your career right now?
I’ve been a freelancer full-time for the last 9 years, but the freelancer in me has been hustling well before that. The last four years have been spent helping other freelancers gain the experience and knowledge I have hard-(l)earned so they can get where I am sooner, easier and without wasting mental calories. Someone asked me recently “Where do you want to be in 5 years?” Honestly, doing exactly what I’m doing now, but just more of it. More connections and wins of my students, more opportunities and avenues for freelancers to access the genius I serve. More, whatever flavour that ends up being.
Your favourite food for thought
- Building a Story Brand by Donald Miller
- Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert
- 100 Days of Brave by Iolanthe Gabrie
Podcasts / Thought Leaders
- Unemployed and Afraid by Kim Kerton
- Michelle Andrews and Zara McDonald (I know, niche, but two women doing what they’re doing? Hell Yes)
What drives and inspires you
What are your core values?
- Authenticity
- Gratitude
- Success
- Wealth (I mean I am the Pricing Queen)
Who is your biggest inspiration and why?
My Dad. He taught me everything I know, from business fundamentals to creating relationships. A butcher and small business owner, he has always lived by “you need to be big enough to serve someone, but small enough to know them” and I live that in my own business too.
You as a Mentor
Why have you decided to become a mentor?
Because I want to be the mentor I needed when I was starting as a freelancer, cos it’s way too hard to do it alone.
What are the top 5 skills or qualities you bring to mentoring?
- Asking powerful questions
- Confident
- Intuitive
- Willing to be vulnerable

Ready to apply?
The best time is right now. Take a chance – you never know where an Assisterhood mentor can take you.