2025 applications are set to open at 9:00AM AEST on Monday 31 March, but keep an eye out on our socials @assisterhood for more details, or subscribe to get our updates delivered straight to your inbox.
When the 2025 program opens, fill out a mentee application here. You’ll be asked a few questions about yourself and your professional journey, so we have the best chance at matching you with the right mentor. Be yourself, show your personality – and remember, this isn’t a job application! Vulnerability is encouraged. The process takes about fifteen to twenty minutes.
Great question. If you’re in a ‘regional’ area and wouldn’t be able to easily attend events or catch ups in person, we recommend our Online program. Think Perth, NZ, Cairns, or even New York!
Applications close 11:59PM AEST on Monday 14 April 2025, so generally two weeks after they open. But don’t fret, we’ll give you plenty of notice on socials and over email. We recommend getting your application in ASAP – don’t overthink it! And if you JUST miss out… email it to us at hello@assisterhood.com.au 🤫
You’ll be notified of your application result via email a couple of weeks after applications close. Best of luck!
We feel the same, all our mentors are AMAZING! We’ve introduced an option to select your #1 mentor preference, or leave it up to the Assisterhood match-makers to set you up with someone who aligns with your values and working style!
Not at all! Work experience is not a requirement to apply. All ages, abilities, and experiences are welcome.
Abso-bloody-lutely! We welcome anyone who has applied in the past to try again, you never know your luck.
Send us a message here, or contact us on our socials @assisterhood. One of our friendly squad members will get back to you ASAP.
Nope! That’s not what we’re about. As our founder Linh often says, Assisterhood is a passion project – one fuelled by hard work and a dedication to enriching our community.
Assisterhood officially runs between May and November. Once paired up, you and your mentor should aim to catch up once a month. Of course, this is just a guideline as every mentorship is different. You do you!
Nope! We welcome all ages and stages. It doesn’t matter where you are in your career – whether you’re coming back from mat leave, fresh out of uni, or you’re looking to step into that leadership role you know you deserve. No age limit, no restrictions.
We’re committed to ensuring Assisterhood is inclusive and accessible to people of all backgrounds, diverse perspectives, identities, and abilities.
Our goal is to create a supportive, respectful and welcoming environment for people who share these values.
We encourage people of all unique perspectives and underrepresented groups to apply. We acknowledge there is not an exhaustive list, but we can strive to continually expand our definition of it. Intersectionality is an extremely complex topic and we are always open to improving our understanding and the inclusivity of Assisterhood. Please reach out if you have any thoughts, feedback, or questions on this.
We recognise the unique strengths and skills that people with diverse backgrounds and experiences offer – we also recognise how limited real representation is in many roles and fields.
A great quote that sparked the idea of Assisterhood is “You can’t be what you can’t see.” and it still rings true today. If in doubt – please apply anyway!
We’re all locked in with our 2025 mentors, but we’d love to consider you next year! Drop us a line here and tell us more about why you’d like to become part of Assisterhood.
You can chat in person, via phone, e-mail, Zoom, smoke signal or any other form of communication you both agree on. In saying that, it’s best to meet in person, especially when you’re meeting for the first time.
As much as we try to perfectly pair mentees with mentors, sometimes it takes a bit of work to build a strong connection. After all, relationships take time to grow and trust takes time to build. We’ve put together a few handy tips to help build your relationship and make each meeting meaningful:
If you’d like to get in touch with us about your experience in the program, please reach out to us here.
We host a number of events throughout the year. Mentees and mentors can expect an initial kick-off and a fun-filled end-of-year event. We also offer several informational events and workshops available to the wider Assisterhood community, to which mentees and mentors have first access. Keep an eye on your inbox for our upcoming events!
You betcha! Mentorships are encouraged to continue after the official program has concluded. Some Assisterhood mentorships last the duration of the program and some continue well beyond it. Both are great outcomes. No matter if your mentorship lasts one year, or twenty – all of our mentees and mentors are encouraged to make the most of this incredibly rare opportunity.
Assisterhood is proud to be running across Australia and Aotearoa. Let’s keep growing and learning! Did we miss a question? DM us via @assisterhood or here.